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Zine: Question Authority (Accessible): Mindset

How to radicalize your research and amplify marginalized scholars.

Helpful Mindset Rules

  • Use MMU scholarship intentionally and meaningfully. Quote, paraphrase, summarize, and refer to their research.
  • Find works by MMU scholars. Are you missing diverse perspectives or representation?
  • Recognize that MMU scholars can speak on any topic and doesn’t necessarily need to tie into their identity.
  • Avoid tokenism. Include MMU scholars because you believe in the strength of diverse perspectives and representation, not because you are checking a box.
  • Focus on MMU perspectives.
  • Look at the topic from the point of view of MMU groups. For example, stress and college students versus stress and LGBTQ+ college students.
  • Avoid stereotyping, one voice does not speak for a whole group.

Multiply Marginalized & Underrepresented Scholars LibGuide” by Utah State University Library is licensed under CC-BY-NC.