Search hedges are standardized search strategies that can be used to help retrieve relevant articles. The back cover lists many different search hedges for minoritized populations.
hispanic* or "hispanic american*" or hispano* or latine* or latina* or latin or latinu* or latino or latinx* or "latin american*" or "spanish speak*" or mexico* or cuban* or peruvian* or dominican* or brazilian* or "central american*" or "costa rican*" or guatemalan* or honduran* or uruguayan* or argentine or argentinian or argentinean or panamanian* or salvadoran* or salvadorean* or salvadorian* or nicaraguan* or "south america*" or bolivian* or chilean* or colombian* or ecuadorian* or paraguay* or venezuelan* or "puerto rican*" or "puerto rico*" or "spanish america*" or boricua* or chicana* or chicano* or latinoamerican* or "spanish caribbean*" or "mexican american*" or "bame" or bme or "black asian" or "minority ethnic" or "minority ethnic*" or "ethnic minorit*" or racial disparit* or ethnic disparit* or "people of color" or "people of colour" or poc or "racial* minorit*" or "race factor*" or “mixed race” or “mixed racial” or minorit* or “ethnic* group*” or "indian subcontinent" or “black british” or bangladeshi* or bengali* or indian* or chinese or pakistani* or african* or gyps* or “irish traveller*” or roma or arab* or "afro caribbean" or "african caribbean" or afrocaribbean or “afro-caribbean" or "south asian*" or refugee* or migrant* or immigrant* or asylum seeker* or jew* or "minority group" or "minority health" or "black person" or "asian continental ancestry group" or "british asian" or "ethnic group" or "black race" or "black population" or "multiracial person" or "black person" or "indigenous people" or "asian american" or migrant or "oceanic ancestry group" or "ethnic or racial aspects" or "race difference" or "ethnic difference"or lgbt* or glbt* or lgb or lgbq* or lgbs* or m2f or glb or glbq* or glbs* or heteroflexible* or gbmsm* or msm or tgnc* or ytw or gay or gays or lesbi* or bisexu#l* or transgender* or bicurious* or transpeople* or asexual* or women loving women or women who have sex with women or transvestite or cross sex* or crosssex* or crossgender* or f2m or transperson* or transsexual* or homosexual* or intersex* or queer* or transpeople or transindividual or transman or transmen or transmale or transfemale or transyouth* or transwoman or transwomen or transpopulation* or transgender or gender* or sex or sexual change or dysphoria or reversal or identit* or reassign or transform* or transition* or minorit* or sexual* or binary or bisexuality or homosexuality or "sexual and gender minorities" or transsexualism or immigrant or illegal immigrant or migration or minority group or minority health or emigrant* or immigrant* or migrant* or minority group* or minority health or alien* or foreigner* or "medicine, native american" or "native americans" or aborigin* or aleut* or amerind* or autocht* or eskimo* or indian* or indigenous or inuit* or innuit* or inuk or inuktitut-speaker* or inupiat* or "first nation*" or "first peoples" or kalaallit* or metis or native or natives or tribe or tribes or tribal or isolated or remote or "underserved medically" or "under-served medically" or area or areas or population* or community or communities or group or groups or band or bands or reserve or reserves or isolated or remote or abenaki* or pima or pimas or navajo* or inuit* or innuit* or cherokee* or shawnee* or lakota or coushatta or tlingit* or arapaho* or assiniboine or beothuk or blackfeet or blackfoot or cabazon* or caddo* or chickasaw or chippewa or chitimacha* or choctaw* or cocopah* or "coeur d'alene" or comanche* or muscogee* or duwamish or elwha* or flathead* or goshute* or ho-chunk* or hopi or hopis or hoopa* or s'klallam or jatibonicu or jumano* or kalapuya* or kiowa* or kootenai* or lemhi* or shoshone* or maidu* or makah* or pequot* or mechoopda* or metis or menominee* or miccosukee* or mi'kmaq or mohegan* or muscogee* or navajo* or "nez perce" or "nez pierce" or oneida* or osage* or passamaquoddy or pawnee* or "pend d'oreille" or pomo or pomos or potawatomi* or pueblo* or quinault* or salish or saponi or saponis or seminole* or shawnee* or shoshone* or siletz or nakota or s'klallam or suquamish or taino or tainos or tohono or "o'odham" or tunica-biloxi or tunicas or umatilla* or umpqua* or waccamaw* or wampanoag* or washoe* or wiyot* or yakama* or ute or utes or apache* or cheyenne* or spokane or tuscarora or sioux or wendat* or huron* or mohawk* or "ai/an" or apache or cree or “trans person*” or pansexual or “sexually fluid*” or “gender fluid*” or “nonbinary” or “non-cisgender” or agender or “non-gender” or “gender incongruence” or pangender or polygender or “poly-gender” or “third gender” or neutrois or “bi-gender” or “gender affirming treatment” or “gender affirming surgery” or lgbtqi+ or afab or amab or androphilic or gyn(a)ephilic or “gender-expansive” or “gender non-conforming” or “same-gender loving” or genderqueer or “gender minority youth”