Course reserves are textbooks, articles and other supplemental reading materials that instructors place on hold at the library for their classes. Course reserve materials usually have a limited loan period to ensure availability to students in the class. Course reserve materials can be the instructor's personal copy, a departmental copy or library materials.
You designate the loan period for each item. Reserve materials are available for limited loan, usually 2 hours in the library (preferred), overnight, 3 days, or 7 days.
Items that violate copyright will not be placed on reserve. More information on academic copyright rules can be found here.
1. The following photocopied items may be placed on reserve:
2. The materials copied shall be for one course and for one semester only.
3. Multiple copies of a copied item are allowed at the rate of 1 copy per 20 students in class, up to 3 copies total, not to exceed 9 instances of such copying per semester, and for one semester only.
4. Any consumables such as workbooks, exercises, or standardized tests that are available for purchase cannot be placed on reserve.