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Zero Textbook Cost Courses: Find Your Textbook Here

Guide for Butte College community on Open Educational Resources (OER) and Zero Textbook Cost classes (ZTC).

If your class has a Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) icon in the class schedule it may mean that your instructor is providing aZero Textbook Cost (ZTC) logo free digital resource instead of a textbook you have to purchase. We have collected many of the resources here, but you will need to check in with your instructor to see exactly what resource is being used for your specific class. Resources are organized alphabetically by course abbreviation and number. 

*If you are an instructor who has a zero textbook cost course and would like the resource you use listed here, contact Rachel Arteaga at

ZTC Resources A - C

Courses are listed alphabetically by abbreviation and number. There may be one or more resources used for your course. Please check with your instructor to make sure you are using the correct resource. 

ZTC Resources D - L

Courses are listed alphabetically by abbreviation and number. There may be one or more resources used for your course. Please check with your instructor to make sure you are using the correct resource. 

ZTC Resources M - Z

Courses are listed alphabetically by abbreviation and number. There may be one or more resources used for your course. Please check with your instructor to make sure you are using the correct resource. 


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