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OER and ZTC for Faculty: ZTC Logo and Textbook Adoptions

Faculty Guide on Open Educational Resources (OER) and Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) classes.

ZTC Logo

Logo in class scheduleThe Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) logo is for classes that offer free resources for students. In other words, if students do not have to purchase reading materials or resources for their class, then the cost of the class for them is free, and the logo can be attached to the course. In order to get the logo attached to your course, you must go through the textbook adoption process and indicate that your class has no associated cost for reading materials or online resources.  

Please see below for more information about the ZTC logo. 

Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) logo



What Does and Doesn't Count as a Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) Class

It can be a little confusing about what courses do and do not count as ZTC. Below you will find common examples of what is and is not ZTC. 

ZTC - You get the logo!

  • Reading materials or resources that are free of cost for students
  • Open Educational Resources (OER)
  • Optional print version of an OER resource
  • Free online resources
  • Online library resources

* Classes that require materials such as art supplies, lab materials, calculators, etc. can still get the ZTC designation.


  • Courses with access codes students must purchase 
  • Any reading materials or resources students must purchase. Common examples include: traditional textbooks, novels, plays, class readers, or lab manuals.

If there is a cost to students, whether or not the resource is purchased through the bookstore, it is not ZTC, with the exception of class materials (see asterisk above).