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International Education Week: More Resources

Guide for more information and resources related to International Education Week


Travel Podcasts

Because of Covid 19, most of us do not have the opportunity to travel, even locally. If you need your travel fix, or just want to learn more about the world, try a new podcast. The podcasts recommended below can help you prepare for a future trip or immerse you in a foreign land right from your home. 

Watch a Movie

How about watching a movie made in another country?  If you have Netflix or another streaming service, you have access to plenty of international films.  (If you don't, the public library has streaming video free just by signing up for an e-card.)  Try Parasite, the South Korean film -- a darkly comedic thriller -- that won the Oscar for Best International Film in 2019.  Look for Ife, the upcoming Nigerian movie about two women in love that will be released online to avoid government censorship.  Or you might prefer Bollywood movies with lots of music and dance.

Through Butte College, you can access streaming videos through Alexander Street, which mainly has documentary films.  Try Bulbul Can Sing, a lovely film about a girl growing up in rural India, or watch the BBC's famous Blue Planet series about the oceans.

Cover photo of Bulbul Can Sing

World News Outlets

Looking for news from around the world?  Check out some of these:

The Times of India

Mexico News Daily

Australian News

Spiegel Online International (Germany)

BBC World News

Rack of newspapers

New York Times Series: Around the World at Home

"While your travel plans may be on hold, you can pretend you’re somewhere new for the night. Around the World at Home invites you to channel the spirit of a new place each week with recommendations on how to explore the culture, all from the comfort of your home."

To learn how to access the New York Times free through the library, check out our guide.