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ENGL 3 (LaGrave): Library Databases

What are the library databases?

paywall screenLibraries subscribe to databases to give you premium access to information that you often cannot read for free on the internet. Have you ever come across something like the image on the right during your Google search? Google wants you to pay for access to articles from an academic journal. The library subscribes to databases that hold hundreds of thousands of academic journals that you can search using keywords similar to how you search Google. You only have this access while you are a student so it is important to take advantage. 


Suggested Databases

Below are suggested databases that the library subscribes to that can help you get started. For a full list of the library's databases, click the Full A-Z link at the bottom. 

Video Tutorials

For more help using the library databases, be sure to check out the library's VIDEO TUTORIALS PAGE


Need Help Searching in a Database?

Many of our databases have short video tutorials that will help you navigate, search, download, save articles, and grab citations. Look for the "Video Tutorial" icon below next to the database name: 

What is a Scholarly Resource?

medical journal iconScholarly resources have the following characteristics:

  1. Written by experts - look for an author's credentials or affiliations.
  2. Written for other experts or people in academia. Each scholarly work is a voice in an ongoing conversation to which you will add your voice when you write a paper.
  3. They use scholarly language with technical, discipline specific vocabulary.
  4. They provide verifiable and reliable evidence for claims. The reader can verify information. Look for citations!
  5. They may be peer reviewed. Many journals go through an editorial process where other experts review and assess the information.

Anatomy of a Scholarly Article