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ENGL 3 (LaGrave): Finding Books & Articles


Butte College Library Catalog: Search for Books, ebooks, and more

Search our catalog of books and eBooks using the link below. 

Most books are located on the 3rd floor of the Main Campus library and check-out for a 3-week period.  If you find something in the catalog that you want to check-out, but are having trouble locating it on the shelf, ask at the Reference Desk.  

Click Here To Search for Books, eBooks, & Articles

Choosing a Topic

  • A topic that is too current will not have peer reviewed sources published yet because quality research takes time to publish (for example: Is Pres. Trump's rhetoric about the border wall affecting the mental health of immigrants seeking asylum?);
  • A topic too local may not have peer reviewed sources (for example: How has the Camp Fire affected charitable giving in Butte County? Instead you may want to look at natural disasters in general); and/or
  • A topic too popular may not be academic enough to have peer reviewed sources written about the topic (for example: Are there emotional benefits to binge watching TV?).


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Michael Smith