Search any or all EBSCOHost databases at once. Over 15 academic, general, multidisciplinary and specialized databases.
Full-text articles of the most important, current, and controversial issues of the day. Includes an overview, historical background, chronology, pro/con feature, plus resources for additional research.
The New York Times is one of the most well-respected news sources. It reports news on politics, national and California issues, healthcare, elections, science, technology, business, sports, arts and more. Once you create an account you will have full free access to The New York Times from anywhere.
Search Tips
Each database has a different layout and interface, and various search options like full-text, date limits, and so on.. Some databases, such as EBSCOHost, ProQuest, and the Health Reference Center, have more sophisticated search capabilities. You can save, print, cite (get citations in different citation styles), or email the articles.
Database search options
type surfing NOT Internet to search articles that include ‘surfing’, but exclude articles with the word, ‘Internet’ (Internet surfing).
Example: type librar* to find articles that contain library, libraries, librarian and librarians.
Example: type wom?n to find articles that contain woman and/or women.
The library subscribes to a wide range of databases that allow you to search for specific information on your topic in thousands of newspapers and journals. Many of your instructors will require you to find peer-reviewed articles. Peer-review articles have the highest credibility because the information within the article is double checked by experts in the field.
In the box to the left is a list of databases that we suggest. You can also browse our full list of databases by clicking on the link below.
There is a collection of video tutorials for you to use, including short videos on how to use particular databases.
Did you know you can get access to more articles in Google Scholar if you link your Google Scholar account to the Butte College Library? Watch the video below to find out how.