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Research Paper: A step-by-step guide: 6. Taking Notes & Documenting Sources


Taking Notes & Documenting Sources

How to Take Notes and Document Sources

Note taking is a very important part of the research process.  It will help you:

  • keep your ideas and sources organized
  • effectively use the information you find
  • avoid plagiarism

When you find good information to be used in your paper:

  1. Read the text critically, think how it is related to your argument, and decide how you are going to use it in your paper.
  2. Select the material that is relevant to your argument.
  3. Copy the original text for direct quotations or briefly summarize the content in your own words, and make note of how you will use it.
  4. Copy the citation or publication information of the source.

There are different ways to take notes and organize your research. Check out this video, and try different strategies to find what works best for you. 

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