Decolonize, once known as Diversity Days, is a week of events bringing attention to the college's efforts to promote inclusion and "provide students with an understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion as they advance in their education, careers, and as they become leaders on campus and in the community." . Have you ever wondered what the library does to develop these goals? The answer is, quite a bit! Here are just a few of the things we are doing.
Mural at the Library of Gafsa Governorate, Tunisia
Our Collection Development Policy has inclusion as a goal, and librarians make sure to purchase items from a wide variety of viewpoints and which center marginalized voices. We also have a Library Inclusion Plan, where we assess current practices and form new goals and projects.
Our country is currently experiencing an unprecedented wave of book censorship, and this is very much an issue of inclusion. Learn more at our Banned Books page.
For faculty and staff, we offer a page of teaching and learning resources and DEI principles.
Have you heard that it's a good idea to seek out marginalized voices in your research, but you're not sure how to do that? We made a zine all about that!
We've got a page of resources for free images that are both diverse and accessible.
Textbooks costs are an equity issue, and ZTC and OER are the answer. Find out how to reduce the price of college!
Browse our curated collections in the library catalog.
There's plenty more, but let's keep this short and sweet. Come into the library sometime and see what we're up to!
Explore the world at the library!