message board with colorful notes written by a type writerButte College has many informative, fun, and thought provoking events on campus. These events might make you want to learn a bit more about the subject matter they address. For example, the current exhibit in the art gallery, Transpose, is all about "exploring our pandemic experiences and promoting our healing and connection." The exhibit might inspire you to learn more about the psychological effects of the pandemic, healing from collective trauma, or even how to construct an art exhibit. The library has resources on all of these topics. Learn more about Transpose and related events below and discover resources that might be helpful in deepening your understanding of the exhibit.

Transpose is an interactive exhibit in which you can share your pandemic experiences. The exhibit runs from March 21st through April 15th at the Butte College Art Gallery. Below are exhibit times and associated events:

  • Daily exhibit times: Monday 9 am - 12 pm, Tuesday 9:00 am - 2:30 pm, Wednesday 8:30 am to 12:00 pm, Thursday 9:00 am - 2:30 pm. Exhibit flyer.
  • Virtual Conversation and Zoom Tour with the Curator Sara Smallhouse and Student Assistant Curator Brianna Williams, Wednesday March 30th, 4:00 - 5:00 pm, (Zoom Link)Virtual Talk flyer.
  • Closing Events: Wednesday April 13th, Sound Bath Meditation with 432 Love 12:00 - 2:00 pm in the Black Box Theater; Future Gazing: The Impossibly Important Skill of Seeing What’s Possible with Juni Banerjee Stevens, 2:00 - 2:30 in the Black Box Theater; and Performance and Open rehearsal Butte College Wind Ensemble in ARTS 113. Closing Events flyer.

A group of paintings from the Transpose exhibit

Works of art from the exhibit. 

The library offers many great resources that relate to the exhibit, Transpose. Below are a few select resources:

typewriter and chair used in the Transpose exhibit          Written works in the Transpose exhibit

Interactive elements of the exhibit featuring the library's retro typewriter.