The library is pleased to offer our first zine. Question Authority: How to Radicalize Your Research and Amplify Marginalized Scholars, offers an introduction to "power imbalances in academic research." The various topics addressed in the zine include algorithms, citation bias, marginalized research, and the library's role in both perpetuating and correcting bias in research. Don't worry if you do not know anything about these issues. The zine is here to help! Even better is that inside you will find strategies and solutions that will help you radicalize your own research.
The library would love to collaborate with students, faculty, classes, clubs, or anyone on campus who has ideas for future issues of the zine. If you have any research related ideas and want to get involved please contact Tia Germar at
There are several versions of the zine available. If you would like to print your own copy you can use the printable PDF. An accessible version of the zine is also available. The library will also have printed versions available so drop by to get your very own copy.
Tia Germar created and compiled the zine. It is available a under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International License. This means you can attribute, share, adapt, print it out, and give it away for free. If you have any questions about the zine you can contact Tia Germar at
Some topics we can cover, according to need:
For classes on the Main campus, we have a dedicated computer lab space to hold the workshop. At Chico or Glenn Centers, we will visit your classroom. We are also happy to teach an online class via Zoom.
You can get a preview of what a library instruction session looks like with this video version. The library also offers many short tutorial videos, which can be embedded in Canvas for introduction and reinforcement of particular research skills.