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profile-icon Rachel Arteaga
No Subjects

student biting pencil because she is stressed.

Finals are here and the library is here to help! Below are a few ways the library can ease your stress. 

Are you doing research for a big paper or project?

Do you need a quiet place to study?

  • The main campus library is open Monday through Thursday 8 am to 5 pm and Friday 8 am - 12 pm. Chico Center is open Monday through Thursday 7:30 am to 8 pm and Friday 8 am to 12 pm. You can always check library hours on our calendar
  • Reserve a study room if you need to practice a presentation, work in a small group, or attend a Zoom class. 
  • Use our computer labs. Printing is free (up to 15 pages per day).

Can't get to the library in person?

You got this!

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profile-icon Rachel Arteaga
No Subjects

Welcome to the Butte College Library's Wrapped for 2024!  Students did a lot at the library this year, and here's the proof:

Design by Rachel Arteaga

That's a wrap for 2024!  Best of luck with finals and we look forward to seeing you in Spring 2025!

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profile-icon Jean Ping
No Subjects

We recently published an online collection of modern retellings of myths, fairy tales, and classic stories.  Now we've collected some from our shelves for you to take home and read!  .Though reimaginings of Shakespeare, Greek myths, and European fairytales are popular, they can often have a new twist of setting, culture, or gender in a modern version.  Or perhaps you'd like to read Jane Eyre from the perspective of Bertha, the wife locked in the attic!  How about 1984 from the perspective of Julia, or Huck Finn from Jim's point of view?  We also have stories from all over the world -- try reading Sita's story of her life! Come on in and pick one up to enjoy.

books on display


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