Finals can be a stressful time especially during the busy holiday season. Though some of the following tips seem like common sense, making sure we actually follow through when we are busy and under pressure can be hard. Here are some things to remember as we enter the last few weeks of the semester:
- Take a break from social media and/or the news. Media can be a welcome distraction from our daily lives, but it might also cause depression or more stress depending on the content. Step back and limit or eliminate your media consumption leading up to finals.
- Remember to do things you enjoy. Take a short break to do something that makes you happy. Drink a nice cup of tea, talk to a friend, or hug your pet.
- Take care of yourself physically. Go for a walk. Cook a heathy meal. Get plenty of sleep.
- Try not to procrastinate too much. If you have trouble with procrastination (who doesn't?), break up your tasks into manageable steps. For example if you are having trouble tacking a research paper start small. Make a list of first steps: 1. Research prompt, 2. Write outline, 3. Brainstorm thesis statement, 4. Write first section, etc.
- Ask for help when you need it. We all need help sometimes and Butte College offers many services to students during finals. Librarians can help you research a paper or project. CAS offers tutoring in a variety of subjects. If you want to de-stress there are many events on campus you can join to have a little fun.
- Be easy on yourself. In the moment it may seem like a grade on a final is all important. In the greater scheme of things it won't matter all that much. Simply do your best and soon the stress will all be over. You can do it!
During finals week, the Main library will be open on Friday from 8 - 12 to support students through those final projects. We're here to support you, and please come in (or call, or use our 24/7 chat) to ask for research help! Best of luck with finals and projects.
The library will be closed for a couple of weeks after finals, and will open for Winter session.
Winter opening times are the following:
CLOSED December 17 - January 2
OPEN starting January 3, 2023
Main Library 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Chico Center 7:30 am - 5:30 pm
~ May the odds be ever in your favor ~