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profile-icon Jean Ping
No Subjects

Just a few more weeks to go!  The library -- Main or CHC -- is a great place to prepare for finals, since we have plenty of computers to work on, quiet study areas and group study rooms, and reference librarians ready to help you find the information you need. 

I'm you but stronger at the library

The Credible Hulk always finds reliable information and cites his sources

Remember: there will be a special schedule for finals week -- just like what we used to have before all the chaos of the last few years.   Be sure to get your exam times figured out before December 9th

Finals schedule



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profile-icon Rachel Arteaga
No Subjects

Thanksgiving Week Library Hours November 21-25

Along with the rest of campus, the library will be closed for the holiday. Below are our modified hours: 

Main Campus:

Monday - 8 am - 5 pm

Tuesday - 8 am - 5 pm

Wednesday - 8 am - 5 pm

Thursday - closed

Friday - closed

Chico Center:

Monday - 9 am - 3 pm

Tuesday - 9 am - 4 pm

Wednesday - 9 am - 3 pm

Thursday - closed

Friday - closed

Library hours are kept up to date on the library calendar. Enjoy your time off!

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profile-icon Jean Ping
No Subjects

It's just about that time of the semester when instructors are starting to assign longer projects that require some research.  Use library resources to get the best out of your time and produce solid research and good writing.  Here are five of our favorite videos and guides:

Using the Library Remotely:  The majority of our library resources are online and this shows you all the tricks. You don't need to enter the library on campus in order to make good use of it!

General Research Guide: Here's a quick overview of how to do your research.

Video Tutorials: We've made short videos showing how to do lots of things at the library, and these are the ones specific to research.

Research Paper: A step-by-step guide: With over 14,000 views to its credit, we're guessing that other colleges have found this guide too.  It's a detailed tutorial in 9 steps on writing research papers.  If you're feeling clueless, this is a good place to start!

Citations From Start to Finish: Need more help with citations than the step-by-step guide provides?  Here it is.

Meme: who are you?  I'm you but stronger -- at the library

Remember, we're here to support you in doing your work better, stronger, and faster.  We have the technology!

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profile-icon Rachel Arteaga
No Subjects

food and culture

With the holidays approaching it's a great time to try a new recipe. The holidays also illustrate the connection between food and culture. The library has put together a new collection of curated books, Food and Culture. The collection includes cookbooks, sociological studies, and books about food history. 

We will also have a mini display of newer cookbooks so come into the library to check it out! Browse the books for a new recipe or take a book home to try out several dishes. 

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