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profile-icon Jean Ping
No Subjects

We're getting down to the last few weeks of the semester, and that means instructors are assigning research papers.  The Library offers a lot of resources for your research!  First, please come on in and ask us questions.  We love research questions!  You can also use our 24/7 live chat to ask questions -- it's right on our home page.

We also have a lot of research helps right on our website, which will take you through the topic in a detailed way, with short videos illustrating the process.  Try one or more of these:

Here's a sample video to show you the kind of videos the Library makes.  This one is about narrowing down a research topic.

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profile-icon Rachel Arteaga
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If you are new to using a library, navigating all the different elements may be challenging. Where do you go for help? Who do you ask? Even if you are a seasoned library user, every library is a little bit different. Because we want everyone to be welcome at the Butte College Library we wanted to give a quick run down of the most commonly asked questions about library services. 

Question: How do I find a book? 

Answer: There are several ways you can find a book. If you are unsure of what to do ask a librarian! They can help you find the book you need whether it is a specific book or just a book about a certain topic. They will even explain how you can find the book on the shelf. So how do you find a librarian? Most of the time you will find one sitting at the Reference Desk. If they are not there just ask to talk to a librarian. The Reference Desk is located in the middle of the second floor at Main Campus and the back corner at Chico Center. 

You can also search for a book using the library catalog. Click the book tab to limit your results to books. Then type in the title or topic of the book you want. You will be able to see if the book is a print book (in the library) or an online book, and whether or not the book is available. The details on the book record will direct you to the book. Find the location of the book, which will tell you the floor and call number of the book. A call number is like the book's address; it is the exact location of the book on the shelf. If you don't know how to read a call number, this is another great question for a librarian!

Reference Desk

Question: How to I check out and return a book?

Answer: You check out a book by going to the Circulation Desk where the sign says "Book Check-out/Return." Circulation is the big desk you see when you enter the library. On one side of the desk is both the book check-out desk and book return box. To check out a book you will need your student ID number and a photo ID. You do not need a specific library card. In fact you can use your student ID card from Butte College which is free for all students.

The Reserve Desk is where you will find most textbooks. Reserve books are books instructors have asked the library to loan to students for a short period of time for use in the library. This desk is the first desk you see when you enter the library. The check out and return process is the same for reserve books as for other books in the library.

If you need to return a book when the library is not open, you can use the book drop box located outside of the library. At Main Campus, the book drop is to the left of the entrance of the library. At Chico Center you will see a free standing metal box near the sidewalk in front of the main entrance


Book Check-out/Return 

Question: How do I print? 

Answer: Right now printing is free but usually you will need to buy a print card and pay 10 cents per page you print. All you need to do to print right now is come into the library and use a computer in the lab. Send your document to the printer and it will print. Because printing is free right now, we request that students limit their printing to less than 20 pages a day. When printing costs money again you can ask a student assistant to help explain the directions to you. You can find a computer lab student helper at the Reference Desk.

print station

Question: How do I get help with research?

Answer: Go to the Reference Desk and ask for the librarian. Tell the librarian that you need help with some research. The librarian will ask you some simple questions to help guide you through the research. For example the librarian may ask "What is your research topic?" or "What type of sources do you need to use?" It helps to have your assignment with you to consult. The librarian will then direct you to useful resources, such as databases or books. They will show you how to find citation information and help with anything else research related.

Question: How do I book a study room?

Answer: To book a study room go to the Computer Help Desk located on the other side of the Reference Desk. Tell the student assistant or librarian that you would like to book a study room. Study rooms should be used for academic purposes only.

Need more information? Check out the library FAQ or policies page


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profile-icon Jean Ping
No Subjects

The library catalog is where you go to search for books, and now there's a handy new feature: a Collections page!  

  Librarians will be putting together curated virtual "collections" of books on useful topics.  For example, anthropology classes often require students to read an ethnography, but since ethnographies are scattered all over the library, there's no one shelf to visit to look through them.  Now, students can access the Ethnographies collection, choose a book that interests them, and go get it easily.

For the moment, we also have titles in women's history, banned books, and new books, and we'll be adding more.  Of course, none of these lists are exhaustive; it wouldn't be possible.  These are curated lists, containing the titles librarians feel will be current, useful, and of interest.

screenshot of collections page

Be sure to click on the Collections link and check out the lists!  Maybe you'll find a great new book to read.



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profile-icon Jean Ping
No Subjects

It's National Library Week!  Every April, we take a week to celebrate and promote libraries of all kinds. "Staff Picks"

Libraries are:

  • the best place to get help with your research
  • staffed with friendly and knowledgeable librarians and staff
  • repositories of the world's knowledge, wisdom, and heritage
  • "the gates to the future"  (Neil Gaiman says so!)
  • an essential part of a healthy democratic society
  • a great place to hang out, study or relax, and charge your device

Come into the college libraries (Main or CHC) to grab some fun library swag, see displays of our very favorite books that you might like to read too, and maybe win a prize!    And be sure to say hello to your friendly neighborhood librarians.

Check out some fun library facts below -- with citations, of course!

Students’ academic success is linked to library usage, including improved student retention and an enhanced academic experience.
--Academic Library Impact on Student Learning and Success: Findings from the Assessment in Action Team Projects

Libraries play a critical role in the happiness of Americans. Communities that spend more on libraries, parks and highways are shown to support the well-being of community members.
Patrick Flavin. State government public goods spending and citizens' quality of life. Social Science Research, 2018; DOI: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2018.11.004

Americans go to public libraries more often than they go to the movies.
From 2016 PLS: 1,353,081,000 public library visits per year (Public Libraries Survey, FY 2016, Table 8, Supplementary Tables  vs. 1.24 billion movie admissions in 2017 (

Librarians have long championed their community members’ right to access information privately, and serve as an essential refuge where everyone can check out materials or browse the internet without their information being shared.
Mary Madden, Lee Rainie. Pew Research Center, May 20, “Americans’ Attitudes About Privacy, Security and Surveillance.” Available at:

Everyone in a college benefits from the college library, yet they receive fewer than two cents of every dollar spent on higher education.
Total Academic Library Expenditures (iPEDS/National Center for Education Statistics, 2018): $8,293,263,695
Data generated from NCES IPEDS Statistical Tables. Visit link at

Digital media titles in U.S. academic libraries have increased by 50% since 2014.
Data generated from NCES IPEDS Statistical Tables. Visit link at

Libraries strengthen local economies.

  • 84% of libraries offer technology training to patrons in computer software use;
  • 76.8% of libraries provide online health resources and 60% offer programs to help Americans identify health insurance resources and get better informed on health topics;
  • 73.1% of libraries provide programs that assist individuals apply for jobs, create resumes, and prepare for interviews;
  • 97% of libraries help people complete online government forms.

Libraries create healthier communities.

  • 77% of libraries offer online health resources.
  • 59% provide programs on finding health insurance.
  • 58% provide programs to help people find and evaluate health information.
  • 23% offer fitness classes.

Libraries are the place for lifelong learning.

  • 95% provide online homework assistance.
  • 95% offer summer reading programs for children.

Library access equals opportunity.

  • 100% of public libraries offer access to the Internet.
  • 98% of public libraries offer free Wifi.
  • 90% help patrons with basic Internet skills.
  • 97% help people complete online government forms.
  • 9 out of 10 libraries offer access to e-books.

Bertot, J.C., Real, B., Lee, J., McDermott, A.J., & Jaeger, P.T. (201). 2014 Digital Inclusion Survey: Findings and Results. College Park, MD: Information Policy & Access Center, University of Maryland College Park. Available at

library love pins

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