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profile-icon Rachel Arteaga
No Subjects

message board with colorful notes written by a type writerButte College has many informative, fun, and thought provoking events on campus. These events might make you want to learn a bit more about the subject matter they address. For example, the current exhibit in the art gallery, Transpose, is all about "exploring our pandemic experiences and promoting our healing and connection." The exhibit might inspire you to learn more about the psychological effects of the pandemic, healing from collective trauma, or even how to construct an art exhibit. The library has resources on all of these topics. Learn more about Transpose and related events below and discover resources that might be helpful in deepening your understanding of the exhibit.

Transpose is an interactive exhibit in which you can share your pandemic experiences. The exhibit runs from March 21st through April 15th at the Butte College Art Gallery. Below are exhibit times and associated events:

  • Daily exhibit times: Monday 9 am - 12 pm, Tuesday 9:00 am - 2:30 pm, Wednesday 8:30 am to 12:00 pm, Thursday 9:00 am - 2:30 pm. Exhibit flyer.
  • Virtual Conversation and Zoom Tour with the Curator Sara Smallhouse and Student Assistant Curator Brianna Williams, Wednesday March 30th, 4:00 - 5:00 pm, (Zoom Link)Virtual Talk flyer.
  • Closing Events: Wednesday April 13th, Sound Bath Meditation with 432 Love 12:00 - 2:00 pm in the Black Box Theater; Future Gazing: The Impossibly Important Skill of Seeing What’s Possible with Juni Banerjee Stevens, 2:00 - 2:30 in the Black Box Theater; and Performance and Open rehearsal Butte College Wind Ensemble in ARTS 113. Closing Events flyer.

A group of paintings from the Transpose exhibit

Works of art from the exhibit. 

The library offers many great resources that relate to the exhibit, Transpose. Below are a few select resources:

typewriter and chair used in the Transpose exhibit          Written works in the Transpose exhibit

Interactive elements of the exhibit featuring the library's retro typewriter. 

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profile-icon Rachel Arteaga
No Subjects

The library needs submissions for our first ever research zine! 

Zines have a long history of connection to radical and alternative movements, allowing marginalized voices to be heard on their own terms. Because zines are non-commercial, DIY publications, pretty much anyone can create and share whatever content they choose. There are LGBQTIA+ zines, punk zines, Riot Grrrl zines, Black and PoC zines and pretty much any topic you can think of

1970's fanzines

The library wants help with our own zine centered on radicalizing research and amplifying minoritized voices. What does this mean exactly? Think of the image of a typical professor. What does this image conjure for you? Full time faculty are still predominantly male and white, whereas Hispanic females, American Indian/Alaska Native individuals, and individuals of two or more races make up less than 1% of full time faculty according to 2018 numbers from the National Center for Education Statistics. This lack of diversity in faculty is then reflected in the world of scholarly publications and research. So the question is whose voices are heard and centered in academia? The library wants to draw attention to these issues as well as the experiences of students who are ultimately affected in institutions of higher education. And this is just one such example. Other areas we want to hear about include:

Submit your original work through our form in the format of your choice such as short-form essays, poems, comics, art, photography, etc. Contributions from both faculty and students are encouraged. The deadline to submit contributions is August 31st, 2022.

For more information or questions about the research zine, please contact Tia Germar at or 879-4067.

Image credit: Jake from Manchester, UK, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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profile-icon Jean Ping
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"Equality for Women"Every March, American cultural institutions "join in commemorating and encouraging the study, observance and celebration of the vital role of women in American history."  It's a massive topic, and yet one that is still underappreciated.  You can explore an amazing amount of women's history right at your computer, with the central website's links to exhibits and audio-visual resources.  The Library of Congress has also provided a wide array of information.  (Pro tip: if you need to write a research paper around history, social issues, or ethnic studies, browse these pages for great topic ideas!)


Come into the library (Main or CHC) and check out our displays of selected books.   We've also created an online guide filled with great information about women in history.  The official theme this year is about health and wellness, so we've included books about pioneering women in medicine.  Since we are all focused on the war in Ukraine right now, we've also included books about women in wars.  Then we threw in anything else we liked.  Here are a couple of ebooks you can try right from home:

Cover ArtThe Boundaries of Her Body by Debran Rowland
Cover ArtWomen and War in the Twentieth Century by Nicole A. Dombrowski, ed.
Cover ArtA Black Women's History of the United States by Daina Ramey Berry; Kali Nicole Gross
Cover ArtMidwives of the Revolution by Jane McDermid


There's plenA young Native American married couplety of fascinating local women's history, too.  Here's a game: find historical women's names in the streets of Butte County towns!  Do you know where So Wil En No Avenue is?  It's named after a prominent Mechoopda woman, also known as Maggie Lafonso.  She was known for her beautiful singing voice and work in her community.  Or, have you ever driven down Frances Willard Avenue and wondered who that was?   She was a prominent 19th-century women's rights activist, the first dean of women at Northwestern University, and the president of the WCTU.  Both of these women were close friends of Annie Bidwell, who named streets after them.  Annie was herself very interested in women's and minority rights, and here you can see her with other suffragists of her day.



Maggie Lafonso Mitchell/Sowillenno with her husband, Joe Mitchell


Nine Victorian women

Suffragists at the 3rd Women’s Congress of the Pacific Coast, held in San Francisco in May, 1896.  You may recognize Susan B. Anthony in the center, but can you spot Annie Bidwell?  She is standing, at the far right.

Photo: California Historical Society, San Francisco, CA



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profile-icon Rachel Arteaga
No Subjects

OE Week 2022

Open Education Week celebrates open education in a worldwide setting. What is open education? According to SPARC, "Open Education encompasses resources, tools and practices that are free of legal, financial and technical barriers and can be fully used, shared and adapted in the digital environment." If you would like to learn more, or want to keep up with the latest news, achievements, and practices in open education you can check out the full schedule of events.  

Here is a very small sampling of available events:

Co-Authoring OER in LibreTexts - Mar 07, 2022 | 11:00 am (US/Pacific) - Presented by Butte College's Suzanne Wakim!

Equity and Inclusion in the Open Education Movement Keynote Address: Towards Sustainable OER Creation for Ethnic Studies - Mar 08, 2022 | 10:00 am (US/Pacific)

Open Education, Cultural Collection, and Curation: Focus on HBCUs - Mar 08, 2022 | 12:15 pm (US/Eastern)

Inclusive or Exclusive? Reexamining "Inclusive Access" Textbook Programs - Mar 09, 2022 | 10:00 am (US/Pacific)

Indigenous Knowledges and Open Education - Mar 11, 2022 | 12:00 pm (Canada/Central)

Did you know that Butte College has someone who can help answer your questions about open education and adopting open educational resources? For more information contact librarian Rachel Arteaga at

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