Last week we talked about misinformation around COVID-19. But where to find reliable information?
Where do I go for solid information about COVID-19?
Here are some good sources to check for updated, reliable information:
- California Public Health has up-to-date information on state orders, a FAQ about staying home, and access to daily news bulletins, as well as information about symptoms and care.
- Butte County Public Health has the current numbers for Butte County.
- WHO's "Mythbusting" page counters damaging rumors! Check out their mask-wearing advice, parenting-under-quarantine information, and videos too.
Global information:
- Johns Hopkins has an interactive GIS map of confirmed cases worldwide. Click on various features to see statistics.
- World Health Organization's COVID-19 site has daily situational reports, a FAQ, and lots of great global information.
Medical information:
- What do I do if I feel sick?
- Stanford's comprehensive information about COVID-19
- The CDC's information about COVID-19
I need to do something!
- Information on applying for disability or unemployment
- Volunteer to help in your community (general info)
- Can you sew? Cathy's Sew and Vac offers this pattern to make masks, which will be donated to local efforts if returned to Cathy's. Kits available!
Infographic: If you experience fever, coughing, or shortness of breath, call your doctor or urgent care for instructions.
We're not supposed to go anywhere unless we really have to, so even if we're still going to a workplace, we're at home more than usual. Are you looking for things to do at home besides watch TV or play video games all day long? Already ate all your quarantine snacks? Are the kids climbing the walls? Here are some resources:
The Butte College Library has tons of online resources for you to do your work remotely; take a look at our guide on "Using the Library Remotely" for all kinds of helps. But you can also use the Library remotely for fun and learning! Try these:
Image by iqbal nuril anwar from Pixabay
Try some new forms of exercise:
Read a free book on your device.
Miss your live sports? Watch some classic games for free!
Listen to music! Many popular stars are offering content on their social media platforms. You can also try these offerings:
Learn stuff!