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profile-icon Jean Ping
No Subjects

Are you trying to get your work done in the dark?  The power outages are difficult and frustrating for all of us, but the Chico Center Library is open for you.  We have computers, tables, group study rooms -- with smart technology! -- and research help available.  If you usually spend your time out at Main Campus, come on over to the Chico Center to get some studying done.  The CHC Library is open until 9:30 pm Monday through Thursday; check the hours here.

Guy working on laptop in the dark

Image courtesy of Pixabay

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profile-icon Rachel Arteaga
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Open Access Week 2019, Open for Whom? Equity in Open Knowledge

It's Open Access Week! What exactly is Open Access? According to SPARC, "Open Access is the free, immediate, online availability of research articles combined with the rights to use these articles fully in the digital environment." To learn more you can read "A Very Brief Introduction to Open Access" by Peter Suber. 

You can also participate in a number of international webinars or other events available throughout Open Access Week.  

If you want to learn how to use open access in your classroom or research, you can contact Rachel Arteaga in the library at

Open Access, SPARC, CC BY

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profile-icon Jean Ping
No Subjects

We got great responses to our Banned Books Week giveaway!  Each entrant wrote a thoughtful answer to one of five possible questions about censorship; you can see some of the answers at our BBW information page.  Twenty people won gift cards to the campus bookstore or dining commons, and one lucky person won a Kindle Fire!  Congratulations to Jon Hawkins, winner of Banned Books Week.

Jon Hawkins with two librarians


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profile-icon Jean Ping
No Subjects

Every year, Butte College works with CSU Chico and the Butte County Library system to adopt a Book In Common.  The goals of the Book In Common are to bring the community together through a common reading experience, to bring new and engaging stories and topics in for discussion, to pursue learning through reading books, and to recognize our shared humanity.



This year's Book In Common is In Search of the Canary Tree by Lauren E. Oakes, a California scientist who spent six years in the Alaskan forest:

Several years ago, ecologist Lauren E. Oakes set out from California for Alaska's old-growth forests to hunt for a dying tree: the yellow-cedar. With climate change as the culprit, the death of this species meant loss for many Alaskans. Oakes and her research team wanted to chronicle how plants and people could cope with their rapidly changing world. Amidst the standing dead, she discovered the resiliency of forgotten forests, flourishing again in the wake of destruction, and a diverse community of people who persevered to create new relationships with the emerging environment. Eloquent, insightful, and deeply heartening, In Search of the Canary Tree is a case for hope in a warming world.

Copies are available for checkout at the Butte College Library, or you can purchase the book through various outlets.  The bookstore is sold out!  There will be events throughout the year, so keep an eye out for those; they are not announced yet.   Find out more about this year's Book In Common at the BIC website, or follow the Facebook page.

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