Last week we talked about misinformation around COVID-19. But where to find reliable information?
Where do I go for solid information about COVID-19?
Here are some good sources to check for updated, reliable information:
- California Public Health has up-to-date information on state orders, a FAQ about staying home, and access to daily news bulletins, as well as information about symptoms and care.
- Butte County Public Health has the current numbers for Butte County.
- WHO's "Mythbusting" page counters damaging rumors! Check out their mask-wearing advice, parenting-under-quarantine information, and videos too.
Global information:
- Johns Hopkins has an interactive GIS map of confirmed cases worldwide. Click on various features to see statistics.
- World Health Organization's COVID-19 site has daily situational reports, a FAQ, and lots of great global information.
Medical information:
- What do I do if I feel sick?
- Stanford's comprehensive information about COVID-19
- The CDC's information about COVID-19
I need to do something!
- Information on applying for disability or unemployment
- Volunteer to help in your community (general info)
- Can you sew? Cathy's Sew and Vac offers this pattern to make masks, which will be donated to local efforts if returned to Cathy's. Kits available!
Infographic: If you experience fever, coughing, or shortness of breath, call your doctor or urgent care for instructions.