In other news, every January 1, all the copyrighted items from 95 years before come into the public domain. Anything produced in 1927 is now free for your use, which includes thousands of books, periodicals, pieces of music, and films. Artists like to dig through these items for inspiration, as in this book of Art Deco patterns. And those of you interested in early animation and special effects may enjoy this short film, in which Koko the clown visits the far future of 1999:
It's a new semester, and enrollment is up, so let's get a quick overview of what the library offers!
In other news, every January 1, all the copyrighted items from 95 years before come into the public domain. Anything produced in 1927 is now free for your use, which includes thousands of books, periodicals, pieces of music, and films. Artists like to dig through these items for inspiration, as in this book of Art Deco patterns. And those of you interested in early animation and special effects may enjoy this short film, in which Koko the clown visits the far future of 1999: