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profile-icon Jean Ping
No Subjects

Over the summer, our hours will be the same as they have been this semester: Monday through Thursday, 8am - 5pm.

The college library operating dates this summer will be:

CLOSED from May 30 through June 9

OPEN June 13 through August 4 (except 6/20 for Juneteenth and 7/4)

CLOSED from August 8 through August 19

OPEN from August 23 and into the Fall semester

May your summer be happy and full of good things!

sky with sun


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profile-icon Rachel Arteaga
No Subjects

student biting pencil because she is stressed.

Finals are just around the corner and the library is here to help! Below are a few ways the library can ease your stress. 

Are you doing research for a big paper or project?

Do you need a quiet place to study?

  • The main campus library is open Monday through Thursday 8 am to 5 pm. Chico Center is open Monday through Thursday 7:30 am to 8 pm and Friday 8 am to 12 pm. You can always check library hours on our calendar
  • Reserve a study room if you need to practice a presentation, work in a small group, or attend a Zoom class. 
  • Use our computer labs. Printing is free (up to 15 pages per day).

Can't get to the library in person?

You got this!

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profile-icon Jean Ping


Woman studying and stressed

With final projects and papers rapidly approaching, we thought you might like to see a selection of our most popular research guides and video tutorials.  Here are the top five of each:

Top Five Research Guides

5. MLA Style Guide (8th edition): Here's a quick and handy guide to using MLA citations in your paper.

4. APA 7 Style Guide:  And now, a quick and handy guide to using APA citations in your paper.  (We have Chicago too!) 

3. Evaluating Media in the Age of Fake News: Misinformation swirls around the internet and can be hard to spot.  Find helpful information here, as well as material on paid trolls, the Q conspiracy, and common scams directed at college students. 

2. Using the Library Remotely:  The majority of our library resources are online and this shows you all the tricks. You don't need to enter the library on campus in order to make good use of it!

1.  Research Paper: A step-by-step guide: With over 14,000 views to its credit, we're guessing that other colleges have found this guide too.  It's a detailed tutorial in 9 steps on writing research papers.  If you're feeling clueless, this is a good place to start!

Top Five Video Tutorials

5. Using the SIRS Database: If you need to write a paper on "a current issue that isn't abortion, gun control, or marijuana," SIRS should be your first stop.

4. Narrowing a Research Topic:  It can be tricky to think of a research topic that is just the right size for your paper.  Here are some tips.

3.  Keywords: Choosing the Best Search Terms:  Students often get stuck trying to find the best search terms for a database.  This video will show you how to get the most out of your research terms.

2.  Choosing the Best Database For Your Project:  But even before you pin down the right terms to use, you need to find the best database for your needs!  Find out how.

1. Writing a Thesis Statement:  The mere words "thesis statement" can strike terror into the heart of any student.  Find out how to conquer the dreaded thesis statement and produce one that is effective and clear.

If none of these has the information you're looking for, we have many other guides and videos, and we like you to come in and ask us!  Or try our 24/7 live chat box on the front page.

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profile-icon Rachel Arteaga
No Subjects

May is Asian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month and there are many ways to celebrate the cultures, contributions, and histories of Asian Americans and Pacific Islander Americans. The library has put together a collection of books not just for the month of May but to enjoy all year long. This collection highlights just some of the books available from the library. We have history, memoirs, YA fiction, adult fiction, poetry, and pretty much any genre you can imagine. 

Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Collection

The Butte College Asian Pacific Islander Council is hosting several events in May:

  • May 3 - Kick Off - Center for Excellence - 11 am - 1 pm - "Kick-off celebrating API Heritage Month. We will be displaying various informational boards about the diversity of API cultures and backgrounds along with an amazing spoken word performance from spoken word artist Stacy Gee."
  • May 10 - Lei Workshop - CCC Swing Space 102 - 12 -2 pm - "Join us in lei making with our very own API staff, Christmas Aumua."
  • May 19 - Spicy Noodle Challenge - Zoom - 6 - 7 pm - "Please join us and watch our previous spicy noodle challenge winners go head to head to defend the title."

Little girl walks in front of mural in Chinatown, San Francisco.

Chinatown, San Francisco, California. Carol M. Highsmith's America Project, Jon B. Lovelace Collection. Library of Congress.

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