When we began to put together our display for LGBTQIA+ History Month we discovered that many well known children's authors and illustrators were queer. And because so many of the images are iconic and nostalgic we thought it was time for another library zine. Designed to look like an artist's notebook, I Wonder If We Are Brave: Queer Authors of Magical Children’s Literature, includes short biographies and plenty of visuals from some of the most beloved children's authors and illustrators. These include Arnold Lobel, Louisa May Alcott, Maurice Sendak and more. Drop by the library to pick up a copy of the zine in print. We also have a corresponding display with many of the books referenced in the zine. An accessible version of the zine can be viewed online. The zine was written by Jean Ping and designed by Rachel Arteaga.

cover of zineinside cover of zinemobile display with books and zinecenter spread of zine