With only three weeks left in the semester finals will soon be upon us. Here are a few ways the library can help student prepare for finals:
- Research guides such as Citations from Start to Finish and Research Paper: A step-by-step guide.
- Video Tutorials - research tips, databases, library services and more.
- Rent a study room. You can pre-book a study room online or come into the library to see if one is available. Rooms fill up fast so make sure to plan ahead.
- Consult with a librarian about your research project. We are available for drop in reference at the reference desk or you can book an appointment with your subject expert.
- Explore books, ebooks, and databases by using our catalog.
- Use the computer lab and quiet study spaces.
- Print for free (up to 15 pages a day) in the computer lab.
We offer many other services and resources. Stop by the library today to find out more!