It's that time of the semester when students want help with getting their citations right!  The library is here to help. 

Woman studying on laptop

Citations are an important part of any research paper.  You want to show that you did solid research, and allow readers to find the information for themselves if they're interested.  Happily, putting together your references or works cited list is easier than ever before, because most databases will generate citations for you! 

The library offers a comprehensive 4-step guide to generating and using citations, whether in MLA or APA.  This guide should be your first stop and will cover all the basics.  It includes several short videos.

If you need more detailed instructions on building and using citations, we have those too, for:

These guides will give you patterns to follow for almost any resource format you need to cite, from a book to a video to a personal interview.

Here is one of our most helpful videos -- Getting Citations From Library Databases.